Fear of human kinds Best Friend

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Hi all this is @furiousboy and this is my post submission for this week's contest.

Talking about human fear first I would like to know what is the definition of fear for anybody out in the world because according to my understanding fear is not an emotion it is a state of mind where one feels weaker than the other individuality is when someone feels fear or if you feel that you have done something wrong it is then when you feel fear.

Talking about the incident when I felt the fear and what was the cause of that fear it's a story from my childhood when I was in my school studying in 6th standard I was traveling back to my home from the school where I and my friends were running on the streets playing while coming back to home and suddenly I saw a car which was standing beside the road and I ran towards it to hide behind the car so that my friend wouldn't find me but god had other plans for me.

The moment my friend saw me I tried to outrun from him, from behind the car and there was something waiting for me under the car and it was a very dangerous street dog under the car the moment I came in front of the car the dog came from under the car and attacked me and my friend though my friend was not in the direct direction of the dog so the dog turned toward me and bite my left hand that was the moment which was a scar in my mind as it was life-threatening to me I saw a scary creature coming towards me to take my life, I was immediately rushed to the nearest hospital by a man on the street and then later on the hospital called my parents as I use to stay close to my school so I use to travel alone with my friends to home.

After that day onwards I was in fear of any kind of animal which is wild, living on the streets, and especially of dogs and I thought that this fear will go with me to my grave as I never try to overcome it because I was getting nightmare whenever I used to see a street dog or even a pet dog even if the dog is calm and quite I would fear to go near to him, and then there use to be some pet dogs who use to always bark on everyone who crosses path with them.

How I overcame this fear is a funny story, when I was in my last year of college I was with my friends and throughout that time from 6th standard to final year I used to take away my eyes from the dogs, I used to never see in the eyes of the dogs. So when I was in the final year I used to like a girl from my batch but from a different class, but she was really cute and good-looking, I used to talk to her and from my conversation with her I came to know that she is a dog person and she loves dogs and to impress her I told her that if I make friends with her dog she would go on a date with me, and she agreed to it.

That's how I overcame my fear and till today I fear dogs but it's not to a big extent I know how to calm a dog and be friends with them. What happened with that girl? Did I go on a date with her? To know all that you need to wait until the next blog till then keep learning and keep sharing your thoughts with me via comments, Thanks and bye.

 2 months ago  

Lol, I would really love to know how the story ends. I fear dogs so much as well and I do not see myself facing that fear anytime soon. Especially those big dogs! I feel I can still cope with those small parlour dogs, they are kind of cute.

 2 months ago (edited) 

Hi there, I guess you also need the same medicine/approach to overcome this fear😛 though thanks for stopping by.

 2 months ago  

I guess I do😂 You are welcome

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