Our personal Data: A top secret?

in Hive Learnerslast month

Hi all this is @furiousboy and this is my post submission for this week's contest.

Talking about data, information is the biggest thing or in other words is the biggest asset for the government, and small to global-level organizations as well. These organizations can use the data, our personal information in any way they want if government restrictions don't stop them, though government can use it in the way they want and the information holds a significant value in today's Era as this Era has been called the war of information the one who holds the most information will be the one who will be winning the war so information or data is the biggest asset of this era.

I believe there are many factors involved while judging a governing body or a government organization who holds the data so we cannot say whether it is good or is it bad that any government organization is holding your personal information or the data of your browsing on the internet and just having data itself is more than enough to make anyone curious about how it is going to be used and for what purpose, is it right to share the data with the body or organization so such question of the individuals scare most of them and they feel unsafe about sharing the data but for me I think government having my personal data is ok, unless it is kept safe it is not being used for anything wrong which can affect me or harm me in any way.

I believe there is more benefit for me if the government is having my personal data and they know what exactly I am looking for or searching for on the internet it can help them to understand more about the people of the nation and help them in a proper manner and in the same way the government can address their issues more accurately. If the government is holding the data I think it is in good hands and it will be used for the betterment of the individuals and one should not worry about it.

Talking about what a good thing it can bring is that the government knows about you better and it will help them to understand your situation better and your needs, what you require, when you require, and what the people of the nation want on different levels of the society and besides that what are their issues and how to address them because sampling the issue or subject can be possible only I if one have access to the data.

The drawback to such a thing according to me is the safety of the data, and for what purpose is the data being used, these are the two biggest questions one has to answer, and then based on the answer one can say that is the safety or the purpose can be the drawback of that body. However, with such big and important data comes a great responsibility to make sure that it is safe and it should not come into the hands of any troublemakers so for me safety is the biggest drawback to holding such big and important data.

That's it for the day thanks for stopping by keep learning and keep sharing your thoughts with me in the comments.

note: the banner is made on canva.

 last month  

you described the value of personal data so sophisticatedly in present age of information, Also explain the merits and demerits of government organizations to securing such data.

 last month  

Yes, people out there seem to be misunderstanding the power of information in this era this is an information warfare era.

 last month  

The government knowing us better is equally a good point you raised. I now see some good reasons why our information is safe and okay in the hands of the government. It would even be better if the government is more transparent about the use of our data

 last month  

Thank you for understanding it, and yes being more transparent about it would be much better

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