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RE: I almost became a pastor

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Why do people feel that just because you are passionate about serving God you have to be a pastor? I don't like the concept at all, I mean there are myriads of ways to serve God. Ministry itself is in so many form not necessarily being a pastor, singing is a ministry, prayer is a ministry and so many others. Am glad you know God deeply, and am sure if He wants you to be a pastor you will know. Just know that what you are doing is wonderful, God will keep on blessing you.

 2 years ago  

It's not funny at all the way people push zealous individuals into "ministry".
My own is that, I can't be pushed around. I love the way I'm serving and not ready to diversify into the other sector. If it's God that's calling, then HE should call me well😁🤭.

Thanks for stopping by🥰

 2 years ago  

If it's God that's calling, then HE should call me well😁🤭.

😅😅😅, true.

Am glad you are not the type that is pushed because someone say so, keep doing what you do best. Shallom

 2 years ago  

Thank you dear🥰