The Internet a freewill human right

in Hive Learners26 days ago

The Internet has its pros and cons, and the distraction that comes along with it can't be overemphasized. It affects someone's positivity or negativity, but we are given the free will to choose what we want and what we don't want.


I could remember when I was in secondary school, a boarding school to be precise. My friends will sneak in their phones, and you will see almost half of them strolling through 2go then. They have different social media accounts and mostly use the phone to watch movies.

Then it was our senior
secondary extension, so we were just the only class in school then writing our SSCE exams. I could remember how bad I felt.

I had no phone then, and it was a rule in my family that after secondary school you got to own a phone, but these days you will see a 10-year-old child already owns a phone.

Exposure then was a point; I wouldn't literally blame not having a phone to stop me from knowing so many watering opportunities on the internet, but then when I got my first phone after I got into the university, it was just useful for calls and WhatsApp and nothing more. It was as if I was a novice in using gadgets.

I have to call the attention of someone to assist me in opening up accounts on social media. Gradually I became an expert in using phones.Access to the Internet should be a free will and a choice for every individual.

Everyone knows what is right and wrong and should be held responsible for the choices they make. Everything is possible on the internet. It goes on from literally getting information, digital learning a course, working remotely, and having fun with video games down to having a fake life and, of course, dancing on TikTok.

Some people literally live on the Internet; it can serve as a source of income for some persons, a means to have fun, a form of distraction, and the list keeps going on and on.I am not against giving a minor a phone, as it can serve as a means for busy parents to know the well-being of their children, but then some guidance can be taken in place.

The mother should regularly know what his/her child uses the phone to do when she is away. Some go as far as watching pornographic videos and decide to practice it among their siblings. It's from what they see on the internet.Most parents are shy of giving their children guidance; in their minds, they will be like, She is still innocent.

Parents shouldn't shy away from giving their children some basic education and talking about common things like sex education instead of the child learning it from their peers or even worse from the Internet, which could be even more dangerous.

In conclusion, access to the Internet should be considered a human right, but then when it comes to minors, strict monitoring or guidance should be given to them over what they see on the Internet.

 26 days ago  

Your points are topnotch because overexposure to the internet is causing harm to some children while some children are assets to their parents through the internet, I have a niece who adverts for a company, and the company contacted the mother when she posted the girl's picture on her handle and she is making her money also children should be educated about so many things on the internet and this is why the parent should be observant.

 25 days ago (edited) 

That's right, some parents take advantage of this while some act so nonchalant towards it.