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RE: The Consequences Of Spontaneous Situations Especially In Finance

in Hive Learners2 years ago

I was smiling thinking that this newcomer was influenced by FOMO and GREED. I am sure, she has been thinking of her ideal returns without making any prior study. 😁

Obviously the newcomer was overwhelmed by the not just greed, it was a spontaneous situation and they had to react by outbidding others and not doing their proper research on the worth of that particular commodity.. I think 10 times is too much and they might just regret it. Some people just slot themselves into the competition without even looking at the disadvantages or the potential loss they might accrue. I think it's crazy.
That person.. the newcomer will learn in a hard way..


Whatever she will learn, I hope it is worth the price.

But, NOPE! I don't think so. It is still pretty expensive. 😅