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RE: Your Reality Vs Your Faith & Expectations

in Hive Learnerslast year

Life's generally unfair and sometimes I feel like it's what I even need the most that I don't have. I think I am someone who is always satisfied with the access I can get to the things I can get. Gaining the whole world or having everything in life isn't even my aim. This is because having everything comes with a curse. At all point in time I believe that, I'm a living testimony and for this I often glorify God at all times. Another thing is that, our minds are limited to what we know. There are things beyond human comprehension that we know. This is why I keep my life simple, live, learn, be appreciative and aim for contentment. I feel like soon I'll get to this level in life.

Thank you so much for exercising my mind with this interesting content, I love it, I was not planning to read it before but somehow I did, lol..

Thank you for a actually taking the time to read it. I like writing reflective post, especially when I'm not writing finance, and sometimes it's always good to have someone thinking and relating to the post with the same wavelength.

 last year  

This is why I keep my life simple, live, learn, be appreciative and aim for contentment. I feel like soon I'll get to this level in life.

This is a good one and I'm sure you will achieve contentment because you want to, living a life when you don't get to worry about all the many things you don't have, you couldn't get and just being grateful and happy for the many you also have.

Thank you for a actually taking the time to read it. I like writing reflective post, especially when I'm not writing finance, and sometimes it's always good to have someone thinking and relating to the post with the same wavelength.

Yeah, I most times can flow with your writing but that's when I put my mind on it and that's why I don't stop by all the time because I don't feel like reading, hehe. But I'm always happy when I give time to reading from you, I always have something to learn.