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RE: Is Academic Excellence a Measure of Intelligence?

in Hive Learners2 years ago

You’ve done well.

During my high school days, I hated Further mathematics, I hated it with passion. And I don’t think I ever passed the subject, but I did very well and got straight A’s in other subjects. Just because I got bad grades in Further maths means I’m not intelligent?

There’s this messed up believe that people; mostly parents and teachers have; good grades measures our intelligence.

Just like Josh, your friend, I also had someone like that in high school. Emmanuel was not even an average student, but he was doing well in Geography. Teachers would embarrass him and call him names, but one day he proved us wrong when he invented a toy car. He didn’t only make that toy car, he made other things that we started calling him a genius.

Thanks for sharing.

 2 years ago  

Just because I got bad grades in Further maths means I’m not intelligent?

Of course not... I don't believe anyone is perfect but we're all good at our respective fields. That's what makes us unique.

Yeah, the belief is pretty messed up and outdated, I really hope that sooner or later, we'd all begin to see things differently.

Wow, it's sad that Emmanuel had to experience such backlash but I'm happy to hear that his invention changed their ideology of him. Josh also created a lot of websites and apps back in those days. He's been doing better since then.

Thanks for stopping by! ❤️