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RE: Understanding The Newbies Initiative Program - Learn From My Own Experience

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Thanks a lot @mistural you are very blunt in all you said, I would say am consistent in anything i put my mind to do. But this question that was asked by @josediccus to you, if I was asked, I won't have an answer because, I love doing a lot of things, I can't even mention, I don't really know what i like but i love doing many things. Though, I like exploring, blogging and learning new things, I can't really know my niche. That is why i would need your advice and the advice of any moderators.


Since you love doing many things then why not start with one of those things you love doing. Someone like you who loves doing many things means you have an endless source of inspiration. Just target one of those things you love doing and do it one at a time.

If you focus your mind on many things, you would be lost. keep your mind in track by doing a thing at a time. That way you would realize how much inspiration you can tap into.