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RE: CREATIVE SUNDAY || Ethics Amidst Adversity - Playlet by Vickoly

in Hive Learners5 months ago

Ok, this is what I've been thinking for the past few days now. That what exactly and where exactly am I going after service, till this moment I'm still thinking. I remembered I once told you about it.

Just the way you are drinking your garri I'm also soaking it all the time 😂 it's funny but true. I Can not wait to see the part too. Hope he gets to see the big bag soon.

Thanks for the creative video. Stay blessed.

 5 months ago  

You can also start acting of You can't place your head around what next after NYSC, but you've got your hand work, do that while you search for a better offer.

Thanks for the compliment and leave my garri. Hehehe.

 5 months ago  

I have learned a lot from what, you have said and your video inspired me a lot. Thanks so much sir.