The Light That Lives On

in Hive Learners20 days ago

Life is fickle. Sometimes what you expected the least in life is what would hit you so hard you wouldn’t know what to do. A few weeks ago, I lost someone so dear to me. The part that makes it even worse was that it happened just a day after my birthday and I didn’t even get to say goodbye.

I remember how I would always sleep on her laps every evening after school when I was a kid. Surprisingly, I always woke up in the room every morning. One day, I asked her, Grandma didn’t I fall asleep outside last night. All she did was laugh and tell me that’s the good part of being a kid.

I grew up with my grandparents. Right from birth, my grandmother was my best friend. My parents were busy and I would mostly spend time with my other family members after school. I would always someway some how cause trouble and when I’m about to get beat up, I run into my grandmothers arms. In my family, once a child runs to an older person, you don’t follow them to question them no matter what they did. She was more like my saviour.

Thanks to her, I always escaped my parents beatings almost everyday because I was very very stubborn. It got to a time I even moved to stay with her in her room. Can you imagine?😂 That was what I wanted and she never said no. I would sleep on the same bed with her, eat with her and we would even gist together.

As I grew up, things changed. We were no more staying with my grandparents. I would mostly visit once in a while, on special occasions or when my dad was visiting. As time went by, I visited her less and less because I had to school so far from home. Our only way of communicating was through phone calls. The last time I spoke to her, she told me ‘ my dear, now you’ve run away from me. The school life has taken you away. Come and visit soon.’ I promised to visit her in June and here we are in June without her.

I remember how she would always advise me on so many things. Anytime I did something bad, my dad would report to her and she would call me to come see her. I really felt shy in such situations but all I could do was listen and do better. Not to forget how she would always squeeze the cedi notes my dad gives her in my hands on all my visit. Even as old as I am today, she would still insist I take it because she claims she’s old and has no need for money.

I’ve lost people in my life but this feels really different. I believe I still haven’t gotten myself to comes to terms with the fact that she’s gone. Sometimes I call home and I ask how she’s doing only to be reminded she’s gone. All I can do today is include her in all my daily prayers, asking God to grant her the highest of ranks in Jannah because she deserves it. No one wishes death upon himself or his loved ones, but who are we to question God?

all images belong to me.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 20 days ago  

Wow. I also spoke about my Grandma too. Those grannies always have lots of stories to share and being around them is always fun and interesting. I miss my Grandma too but life happens. Just like you, I never said goodbye to her, it happened so fast that no one ever expected it. May their souls rest in the Lord.

 20 days ago  

It’s really heartbreaking but life still goes on.
Thanks for passing my, Princess.