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RE: Discovering a Love for Reading: My Progress on Achieving my Goal of Reading More Books

in Hive Learnerslast year

Why do I think I am now the only one who haven't come on board in reading novels. I have been like you Star, I don't like reading anything called novel but recently, I started conceiving the idea but yet to take full action.

Your post have motivated me to start already, imagine all the lessons this book teaches especially the finance book. I have gotten value already from the nice review you did
Thanks for it👌

I should start reading one and when I do, I will let you on hive
Thanks for the push via this means


Yeah, the first thing you need to do is changing the mindset of not looking to read books. That's the one thing that hindered me from reading. Then if you can try to read at least 5 pages a day, you would see you would enjoy it and would begin to read more pages per day.

 last year  

Thanks for the heads up 👍