Last night, I had made a post on my status talking about how I always appreciate any text I get on my WhatsApp because I rarely have anyone I'm talking to on there, mainly due to the fact that whenever I do need to talk to someone, it is either I'm asking them a question that requires a straightforward answer, or they're asking me a question that requires a straightforward answer.
And I'd admit, at the time of posting that status, I didn't realize it made me sound kinda sad and lonely, I only realized it when people started coming into my dm to say hi and basically to "make me feel better"..
It was during one of those many dm's that I had entered into a conversation with a lady friend of mine and she had said something about me feeling lonely, which I had laughed at because truth be told, the only reason I don't get a lot of messages on my WhatsApp or on any of my social media account to be honest, is because I like it that way.
Sometimes I end up not responding to private messages on time because I want to make sure they're not online when I do reply, which means I won't be getting an immediate reply from them, or if things go my way, my delay to respond would have, in some way, killed the vibe to continue that conversation.
So it's almost like I run away from people for a living, not because I hate having conversations with them online, but because I get tired too easily. The older I get, the more I realize how much I value face to face conversations because that way, I could see your reaction and properly understand how you feel about our conversation even before you say a word.
It's for this same reason why I sometimes value making use of voicenote when I'm chatting with someone, although I rarely use it myself because I rarely chat, but making use of voicenote is the closest I could get to knowing how you feel, and knowing if that insult was indeed an insult or just merely a playful jab like we usually do.
I don't know, maybe I'm getting too old, or maybe I truly am alone and I'm just making up excuses to not make me look so sad.. You never know.