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RE: The Tale Of A "Childhood Fear" That Shaped My Adulthood

in Hive Learners14 days ago

I almost ran away from home one time for taking the 9th position in my class instead of the usual 1-3. No one made me feel like a failure but the fear was there. Thank God I had nowhere to go 😂.

I can relate so well with this post and thank God you were able to overcome that fear. Even now, I have to remind myself that failure is actually not giving yourself a chance at some things not the fact that you’re bad at it. We as humans are not even perfect but we won’t quit being humans for that. We can always get better and strive for the best.

This was a captivating post Merit dear ❤️

 14 days ago  

My dear, the feeling is understandable from my experience. I wish I was taught much earlier to accept failure sometimes but it's good I learned eventually.