If I Could

in Hive Learners8 months ago

Equality is a concept that has always been fought for since time immemorial. As the world evolves, the fight for equality goes on with different groups and races striving for equality in their respective fields.

I think equality can be achieved, it is very possible to achieve a society where everyone is equal and has equal rights like the next person but due to the nature of man and the natural tendency of man to be selfish, it makes equality a utopian concept, an impossibility.

With that, I have come to the conclusion that the kind of equality that we yearn for can not be totally achieved due to several reasons which then brings me to the topic of today.

In a work setting, the idea of everyone getting the same pay in order to promote equality is actually not a good idea, in my opinion due to some reasons.

Markus Winkler From Unsplash

Firstly, in every work setting there are going to be those who will be called seniors, who have had many years of experience and who have attained a rank higher than most in the same work setting and those who got to the high rank through sweat, blood and tears. These types of people deserve the high pay and accolades that will come to them as a result of their years of hardwork and it would not be fair to them if those who are below them got equal payments.

The idea of having seniors with high ranks is to be a guiding light to the interns and other members of staff who aspire to be at the top one day and enjoy the same privileges. Giving everyone equal pay both the juniors and the seniors takes away the importance of the time and effort that was put into it.

Secondly, if everyone got equal pay it wouldn't help to boost the habit of professionalism because if everyone got paid the same wages, then there would be no need to strive and work hard and though it'd eliminate competitions which might sometimes be toxic, it can also lead to a form of stagnation as everyone would be content to remain in the same position forever.

These days though, the system doesn't help a lot even those who have worked hard and yet do not get the recognition that they deserve for their work and it hurts because a lot of people are being cheated.

If I were to fix the system, I would make sure that each person gets what they deserve because it is only what you put into the system that should be given back to you. If hardwork is put into the system, then such hardwork would be rewarded with the appropriate reward and this will be so in order to encourage hardwork and discipline in the workforce.

I would also make the concept of promotions in the workplace a norm. I don't mean the kind of promotion which just one individual sitting at the helm of it all making only partial and biased decisions, but the kind of promotion that would be automatic.

There would be certain criteria to be met and if met, one can apply for a promotion and after cross examination of the necessary documents and the work history of the individual, it can then be determined if promotion would be granted or not.

This kind of system would give room for individuals to put in more work in order to meet the criteria for a promotion and each person can participate without fear of bias or partiality from those in charge.

It would also help to promote a form of equality for all.


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 8 months ago (edited) 

You said it well.

Just like the promotion aspect;
If the requirements are made known to the people with the assurance of no bias decision when such level is reached, the workers/staffs would aim at that position which in turn increases productivity. But if there's nothing like that, then stagnation comes to play

 8 months ago (edited) 

Like we see in our everyday lives. Promotion is not made available to the workers and many don't get their rewards.
Thank you for reading.

 8 months ago  

Companies require you to be promoted based on merit, and that should be the norm, and many of them even have evaluation systems. But unfortunately these standards are not met and as a consequence comes the inequality in salaries. There are many recommended that although they do not have sufficient knowledge they have higher salaries than people who do have the experience and merits.

 8 months ago  

These sets of people that you have mentioned only help to put a stop in the establishment of equality and equity in the work force.
Thank you so much for your feedback. 😇

Getting the pay you deserve will be so good, right? When you get paid based on what you bring to the table, it'll reduce bad blood between co workers...

 8 months ago  

Well said.