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RE: Daytime Flower Photography

in Always a Flower2 years ago

Hi Jacob

I love wild roses, they're really nice in their simplicity.

Your honeysuckle is so vastly different from ours here in South Africa. I'll take a photo later for you of our Cape Honeysuckle.

That vetch is definitely a Vicia species, it grows here as an invasive alien species and becomes really problematic in feeding pastures. Bees love it though and their little pollen sacks on their legs turn purple when they collect from Vicia.



I very much prefer the vetch to the invasive Russian spotted knapweed. At least he vetch benefits pollinators as you noted, and helps fix nitrogen tobthe soil. Knapweed triggers allergic reactions for many people on contact, is toxic to livestock, and apparently literally poisons the soil to prevent other plans from competing with it. Thanks to the wet weather this year, I welcome this lesser of two evils choking back the nastier weed.

I don't know knapweed. I'm going to look it up, sounds awful. I don't like plants that poison the soil, it takes so long to recover and tends to kill all the good organisms as well, so I totally get your choice of Vetch over Knapweed.