IAAC Post 32- What a successful day

in We Are Alive Tribe3 years ago

Hello IAAC!!
How are you doing today?!
I specifically welcome you to my alive post.
How is your weekend going?
For me, it was a successful one as I was able to find and buy a particular fruit that I need for wine production.
Yeah, I'll be producing wine using some common tropical fruits namely;
Soursop and pawpaw.
Soursop has been very scares in my area since it is not the season.
img_0.3510221002419826.jpg going to the market

img_0.32578820215509136.jpg coming back from the market

Some days ago, I bought some immature ones hoping that they would serve the purpose but the big disappointment was just there waiting for me. All of them got spoiled, adding to my cost of producing a wine from the blends.
Today is a different story. I've got some of its very best.
I'll be displaying the photos tomorrow. Today's post is just me on it all.
Thanks for your time and support on this alive post.
Stay safe.


That sounds fun. Never heard of the fruits you mentioned. Yet the idea if making my own wine sounds fun.

Yeah boss.
The fruit is a very rare type but sweet.