Wednesday Walk in Sagres - Goodbye Portugal

Our stay in Portugal slowly comes to an end but I won´t leave before I haven´t written one last post about that awesome country. I´m doing this by participating in the Wednesday Walk Challenge. We´ve been out a lot recently to soak up as much impressions as possible before we leave.

We came here to check out if this would be a country we could live in and it definitely is. So next week we´re going to South Africa but we will be back to Portugal end of the year to find our forever home.

Also just recently I bought a new phone, the iPhone 13 and I want to use this challenge to show you what this new phone is capable of doing in relation of photography.

First thing today was going on a short beach walk in Lagos and it´s incredible how sharp the photos are I took there and how how saturated the colors ar.é. Of course I did a bit of editing but even without the photos are great.






From there we went straight to Sagres which is the surf capitol of the Algarve. We haven´t been there for a while and today there were some massive waves rolling in and I had to watch it. Furthermore it´s a pretty nice little town that is always worth a visit.
My girlfriend had to pose today as I wanted to take as much different photos as possible and especially for portraits the phone is brilliant.



I know I look grumpy but it was only the sun that blinded me ;)

After some time at the beach watching waves rolling in and surfers getting absolutely smashed in these monster waves we went for some typical Portuguese lunch. Olives, bread and an yummy Octopus salad. Here, too, the iPhone convinces me with a really insanely good photo quality.



To round it up I took some Black & White photos that turned out pretty good as well. Actually I do like that first B&W shot the most. All in all I´m more than happy with my new phone and hope it serves me a few years.




What? If I can also do phone calls with it? No idea, haven´t tried it! 😂 Just joking, of course it works.

So for our upcoming trip I will use the phone a lot for daily quick shots and some street photography but I will also use my Olympus OM-D EM10 Mark II

HIVE Photography.png


Too bad it is ending as these photos are fantastic!

Thank you

It is, but only for a few months. I think by the end of the year we will move to Portugal.

The iPhones are getting quite interesting for taking photos. Enjoy creating lots of new photographs with it.
Great photographs especially all the details. The seaweed, the door. I like the black and white ones.

That’s nice to hear you are thinking of settling down in Portugal. I wish you all the best. But first Africa… almost it’s time to explore these new areas. I’m sure it will be quite some adventure.
Safe travels next week!

Keep us posted @betterthanhome 😊

Thank you. I will. Really looking forward to south africa. will take lots of photos there.

I will post a lot on here ;)

You are welcome.
Looking forward to seeing them 😊

Portugal looks OK but the phone rocks :)

haha thank you so much. Portugal is awesome and I love the new phone. :)

You must be a bit sad about leaving but good you have plans to return
The new phone took amazing images in your hands

My step sons in laws are from Portugal and there always telling us how beautiful it is as you have shown here

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

Yes, indeed a bit sad. But that´s good because that way I know that this is the right place. Portugal is breathtaking and I haven´t seen that much, mostly the Algarve.

It´s crazy how good the photos are and thats only the 13 mini, the pro is even better. Anyway, looking forward to use my camera again in south africa. Will join the wednesday walk more often now.

Awesome and look forward to seeing more walks from you :)

Haha I'm surprised that phone doesn't make you lunch.

You are going to South Africa? To travel? So cool. Did you know Australia has opened up again?

That lunch looks so good. Love the photo of you both.

No massive waves here, but there has been swell, so have had a few surfs in last week. So good. Water temp is lovely as well.

That would be awesome. Pretty sure there are apps that let you remote control your oven so we´re not far away from that ;)

Jep, just felt the decision a few weeks ago. We were wondering why we haven´t been there before and decided to just go :). We will do a 2-3 weeks road trip on the Garden Route and spend the rest of the time in and around cape town. Hope I get the chance to surf J-Bay during our road trip. I heard it about Australia...maybe next year. :(

Swell here is massive at the moment. We had around 6-8 foot today and the next days it will increase to 10. Temperature is the only downside as it is only 15 at the moment.

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