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RE: Forest Tripping in Meander, Tasmania [Plus A Whisper Pixie Video Featuring Me]

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

Maybe you should become a professional whisperer...

...or a mushrooms hunter ...

...or both :)

The amazing thing about this video is that as you were moving the camera, I kept seeing human forms and shelters. It left me with the impression that you crossed a village full of people!

Tasmania looks breathtaking and I don'y mean the bridge :)
I will probably never visit it, so please share as much as possible of it!

I hope you'll both have a quick recovery!


It certainly felt like a forest of people or pixies when I was there, very otherworldly!

How long did it take you guys to recover?

We both had 3 days with fever and 3 more that were so and so, not ill but not well either. I was also getting very easily tired during the second week without having any other symptoms.

Sounds the same for me. I don't like this tiredness. Hopefully it will go soon. Jamie's up and about now doing things so life returning to normal. I'm sad we didn't get an adventure though.