Wednesday walk : Walk in The City Park

in Wednesday Walk2 months ago

Greetings to hive friends, hope they are happy. Thank you wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay as host. Sharing my experience of visiting a City park in the Majalengka district,West Java, with the aim going to Kuningan city some time ago taking about 7 hours by vehicle.


Before arriving at my destination on about 2 hours, I stopped parking the car and walked to the city park area at around 11 am. Saw the city park area which was Shady and green, not far from the city park there was World globe installed in the middle at the cross roads.



This City park is called the "Raharja"park. Raharja city park is easy to reach because it is located on the side of the road in the city, city parks are public facilities and can enjoyed by all people.



Which in planted with various types of shade plants and grass, the city park is a place for relaxing,refreshing and educating children, greening, and ecology.




A children play area is provider, children can play with mini Cars and scooters which are powered by batteries. If children want to ride mini Cars and scooters, they pay an affordable price and have a limited time.





Airplane Monument.
This aircraft monument is a type A 14 Skyhawk which is no longer operasional by the Indonesian Nation Air Force, and was donated to the Majalengka government.



This airplane Monument has become a source of pride for the Community and has become a Landmark for the city of Majalengka, West Java. Visitor can see up close the fighter type aircraft monumen on display.


This airplane Monument is placed in the middle of around garden with a safety iron installed in the circle of the monument. The aircraft monument is one of the areas in West Java that has a newly built airport.



About two hours playing at Raharja City Park in Majalengka regency, taking pictures with a cellphone camera. After that I left again for my final destination namely Kuningan City still in West Java.
Thank you very much, enjoy happy days.

May 1, 2024.


what beautiful photographs @hsidik you have visited beautiful places
have a beautiful day

Thank you very much for stopping by, and nice comments. Greetings.

Oh very nice! What a great place to spend your day, there's something there for everyone.

It looks like it was very quiet though, not so good for the vendors, but great for you anyway!

Thanks for sharing such a gorgeous walk with us!

Thank you for the nice comments and for stopping by. Yes, it's true that it's a quite place and children can play. Thanks again. Greetings happy day.