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RE: The Hour Of The Wolf

in Wednesday Walk18 hours ago

That is my favorite time of day too, especially on a harbor where the dusky sky is reflected in the water!

I am worried about the swan. They mate for life, I believe, and that must mean that something happened to her mate. Nature can be a rough place!

Lovely photos. They gave me such a peaceful feeling. Even the ones of the market, as it looks like a lovely place to stroll, shop and eat.


It's a beautiful and mysterious moment of the day. Something has happened to the swan pair. I have several photos of the swan up close and you can see that it is used to people. Probably it is sheltered and fed, but there are always brutes among humans. Brutes are primitive and lacking in education and good feelings.

They gave me such a peaceful feeling.

You captured the essence of the place exactly. Thanks, @jayna!