Wednesday Walk - Cicada Invasion

in Wednesday Walk4 months ago (edited)

The 12 year cicadas are out for this #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay

I was walking back through the neighborhood after gettin a haircut and one of these guys landed on my drink.

It finally got warm enough here for them to emerge and hatch.
Now they are turning suburbia into an apocalypse by covering everything with their shells.

These guys are quite numerous so they are slow and have nearly zero self preservation instincts.
Evolution's brute force strategy.

Sometimes nature doesn't work out.

Quite a few defective ones either got stuck halfway hatching or came out deformed. These guys get cleaned up by robins, ants, rodents and domesticated dogs.

Most were able to emerge and dry out correctly in the sun.

Now their shells cover every tree.

And every other vertical surface.

If only someone could figure out an industrial use for these shells they would be rich.

Now the great feast is happening.

Robins are loving it.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


Wow... it is lot skin exchange 😆👌👌👌 I have never seen so lot 🤭👌👌👌☕

These guys only come out every 12 or 16 years. But when they do they come out in the 1000s.

Cool 😅😅... I did not know 😆🤭🤭

There are cooking recipes for them too lol. They taste like a combo of chicken and shrimp.

😆😆 ... sorry no for me, I let you eat them 😆🍻👌👌👌

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks again @ewkaw :-)

What beautiful photos! I actually didn't know the cicada looked like that. It appears to be an invasion of them. The birds seem to be having a party! Now I have to tell you that I have sent cicada paper from China that I will paint on!

Ooo you can make paper out of their shells?

Do you know what one of my favourite sounds is ever- the Circada chirping because that is the sound of summer coming and I LOVE summer!

I remember seeing The stiff Circada skins when I was. kid, but not in the numbers that you have there! That mass is actually pretty mid blowing...

And they do have a great use- feed the rest of the beings, as well as fertilising the ground...

Yeah the sound in some areas is as loud as a concert when these guys hatch. I wanted to feed one to my pet tarantula but I worried about it potentially having a parasite in it lol. Only the best for the tarantula.

Haa yes, such a good point.
I am soooo paranoid about things like that with my parrot, though shes got no problem eating anything and everything, from electrical cable to foil to steel wire scrubbers to toothpaste...any thing she can get her beak on...🙄

Yup, only the best for the parrot PRINCESS...🤣

Wow… a true invasion 😳 for this year.

I have to go south a bit where the northern and southern swarms intersect to see maximum cicadaage.

I can’t even imagine how that would be. Sounds fun though.

Happy #wednesdaywalk 👍 we aren't inundated with locusts yet but I'm sure its only a matter of time. We are having too nice of a spring. Time for bugs or flooding or oppressive humidity. Something will balance things out lol

These guys need at least 80 degrees to come out. Was it last year where Rutland got flooded badly?

Lots of flooding all around Vermont last year 🙁