Wednesday Walk: Snowy Winter

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago


Very beautiful winter weather came to us at the end of January. There was a thaw in the middle of the month, and this thaw helped the utilities of our city to clear the sidewalks of ice and snow - not all of them, of course, and not completely, but enough so that a walk down the street ceased to resemble overcoming ice hummocks in Antarctica. The thaw has been replaced by light frost and snowfalls. Snow falls all day long, it's light, white, and fluffy.


I started this little walk on Vasilievsky Island, in the Rumyantsev Garden. It kept snowing, so I needed shelter to take some pictures. I went up to the stage of the Summer Theater. This garden pavilion was built in the late 19th century, shortly after the garden with walkways and beautiful fountains had been arranged around the Obelisk of Rumyantsev.


I took the trolleybus near Rumyantsevsky Garden to get to Nevsky Prospect. I was going to visit some stores to find a small but cute gift. I got off the trolleybus at the beginning of Nevsky Prospekt and right near the stop I saw the Snow Cat.


The cat was firmly holding the sign of a souvenir store and did not leave his post, despite the unfavorable weather conditions. Small stores selling souvenirs are located in semi-basement rooms, you have to go down a few steps.


In the courtyard of one of the houses there is a store called "The Old Book" - but it sells not only books, but all the goods that can be at least conventionally classified as antiques.


I kept hiding from the snow flakes, and took advantage of the shelter in the archway to take a few pictures. This archway overlooks Palace Square. The green building with white columns is the Winter Palace, the Hermitage Museum is in that building.



The next picture I took was outside the candy store. Surprisingly, the couriers have adapted to this winter and continue to ride their bikes on the snow and ice. The courier's bag is on the trunk of this bike, the courier has gone inside the candy store to pick up his order.


At the end of my walk, I stopped at a coffee shop for a cup of cocoa. It seems to me that cocoa and chocolate are the most successful winter drinks, they warm me up better than tea or coffee. Perhaps even better than cognac!



While I was drinking my cocoa, I remembered that I was going to write a story about this outing, and I took a picture of the display case with the cakes to complete my story. Cake prices range from 36 to 70 rubles ($0.5 to $1.0), all very tasty, and I sometimes buy cakes here. The final shot is of the decorative plates that decorate the walls.


SmartphoneGoogle Pixel 3a
LocationSaint Petersburg, Russia

This is my entry for the #WednesdayWalk challenge by @tattoodjay.


Looks icy and cold, the food loosk good making me feel hungry
and that snow cat was so cool it gave me a smile

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

I think snow cat is the superstar of the whole story!:) Thank you!

Ohh yes so do I :)

I am LOVING the look (or should I say drooling..😋...🤣..) over those cakes!!! and ofcourse hot chocolate is the absolutely best thing to warm not only the hands and the heart, but also the mind and the spirit on a cold day- or any day for that matter! 🤣

You got some great photo and it looks like you had a great day out and about too!

Thank you!:) You're right, the walk turned out great!

Well ofcourse it did, with all those cake at the end...🤣😂😅

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Image by barbara-orenya

Thank you!

Oh, you live in the heart of winter there! There is so much beauty in your walk, lucky you to be able to stand on the theatre stage and shoot from there. I was surprised that so much snow was left behind, but, I can see that in town the rush of traffic keeps the snow in check.

The cat is definitely a star, hanging on for dear life in the cold and snow. In NYC and most of the major cities, the messengers also ride in the snow and rain (which is worse? I wouldn't want to do either!) I always know that there is the city is alive and running if they are out and about.

I think hot chocolate warms me better also, from the inside out, and stays with me for a does not do the same. Cognac warms me with a fast and easy burn and cools quickly. So here is a vote for the hot chocolate!

Such a lovely post and the cakes and plates absolutely complete your story. Hi @tatdt !! I hope you have a lovely day!

Heart On A Course (L).png

Hot chocolate leads the way, that's great!:)))

Snow is much worse than rain for cycling. If the snow is loose and viscous, it's very hard to ride. And if the snow freezes into icy layers, it's dangerous to ride. Walking is also dangerous, but driving is even worse. Our city has seen a lot more messengers in the last two years, which is a great trend, but it saddens me to see how hard the working conditions are in the winter.

What a poor, poor frozen kitty!! I smiled at a photo number 3 - with a kid and a pigeon - so much. A cool walk and reportege it was. 😊

A very frozen, but very resilient kitty! Thank you so much:)