The Water body and Work Boats

in Wednesday Walk6 months ago

Hello Hivers how are you all doing hope you're having a great day , so yesterday i decided to take a walk and see the environment as i had been in doors for so long and it was somehow blocking my creativity. So i took a walk quite a mile away from where i stay , i saw the water so clear i was far away , ontop of the bridge. Bear with me for the far range images.
I happen to see these very high standard boats used for the petroleum kind of jobs. I was impressed as i haven't seen them park in a local river . As i always felt they always stay on the Wharfs and other higer water ports. Its a good thing to see improvement going on in area like this . Its been s while since I walked down this road but things haven't changed so much all still the same and looking very eye catching.


Thank you for sharing the photos of the harbor.
The first question that came in my mind was the ease of arrival and departure
Is it possible to leave the parking spot if the boats are aligned the way it is presented on the photos?

Yes I traveled by boat recently and it's very easy for them to move ☺️

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)