Spent the whole day in the corn field this Wednesday

in Wednesday Walk4 months ago


For a corn farmer like me, spending all day in the corn garden is a normal thing where friends can certainly see how much corn I have planted in the garden for the agenda in this program, friends can certainly see that the corn trees I'm already dry and it won't be long now, right? Let's put the grinding machine in because we will soon have a big harvest in just a few days. We have to always be in the garden to avoid fires and that's what we don't want because if there is a fire then of course this will result in very fatal things. Some of the pictures I have taken today are certainly enough for friends to see how large the garden I planted corn trees is, this is a very promising investment and I see these are all very good things today. I have been doing activities like this for some time and thank God I always make a lot of money. This is one of the mechanisms that I have been working on for a very long time so that every healthy corn harvest always produces a lot of money and this time we are waiting for the big harvest and hopefully this time also spent and also made a lot of profit. Here are some pictures of our activities in the garden on Wednesday without playing. Happy Wednesday to friends and happy recreation with your beloved family.










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Have a great day :)