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RE: Srila Prabhupada- The founder of ISKCON on clay

in OnChainArt3 years ago

Nice work, I know how difficult it is to work on this scale but you did a wonderful job. Do you know what the symbolism is of the glove on his right hand?


Thankyou very much.
The glove in his hand is a bag to keep the chanting beads on it. According to what I know the chanting beads should be kept on the bag to maintain its purity. The index finger is kept outside from a small hole because it is said we cannot touch the beads with it. There are all together 108 beads made from tulsi(Holy Basil). This bag is considered very pure so it cannot be placed on the floor or be touched by the feet. My uncle is a devotee of Srila Prabhupada so I know how much he is strict about all this. He doesn't even let anyone touch his bag except his family members.