Composed - by bARTwerk

in OnChainArt7 months ago


This work was completed, minted and published on Makersplace in late summer 2023.


It’s about remaining composed in a panic situation. In response to great danger and chaos, some people are able to react admirably calm and controlled.
Being composed can help to reverse a bad situation and enable a good outcome. This reminds me so much of Don Corleone in the film “The Godfather” (1972), played by Marlon Brando. I have never seen anyone so composed again.

Makersplace Galery


In the summer of 2023, in the French hamlet of "Le Phaux", I spent a single session creating the outline of this work. The outline was an acrylic painting on paper (50 x 70 cm). Later, I digitised and vectorised this work. I then added several layers to obtain the desired effect. I concentrated on enhancing the colours and reinforcing the lines.

The (digital version) of the original painting is still part of the final work, mainly to give (colour) variation, structure and depth to the work.


Details showing the richness of the colour, structure of the image and vector additions.

Composed - Detail of the area of the eye

Composed - Detail of the area around the chin