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RE: Dungeon Weapons: The Club

in OnChainArt4 years ago

Ahh yes, the standard issue skull wacker. The only reason to equip this weapon was for the evil amusement of a torturor to continue to inflict pain before any serious damage can be done. For a poor kobold, this was the standard issue offensive weapon, because it was a melee weapon small and cheap enough they could lift it in one hand to appear intimidating to their peers.

This is one of those weapons I always felt was on the bottom of everyone's equipment wish list, because there are so many more effective damage dealing weapons. It takes a very creative build to make weapons like this useful in later levels.

And before I forget, excellent design work. Love your illustration technique.


I'll be honest, I've never rolled a character that uses a club! I guess I need to dive into Barbarians a bit more! Always fun to tenderize some flesh.

Appreciate it!