Portrait study 3

in OnChainArtlast year (edited)

Hi everyone! I hope you are having a great weekend. I'm back to share with you a portrait studio drawing session.


I set out to do 3 portraits in one day to train my fast drawing skills, it's been 8 hours of work. Once again I used reference images from Pinterest.


This type of exercise is very useful to improve the ability of interpretation and synthesis when representing any model.


First I try to do the whole general plan of the drawing and then I like to go for the eyes, nose and lips.


Later to feel and see that I am making progress I like to start giving volume to the hair, defining the main areas that allow to give more definition to the general plane.


in a third stage I try to refine the last details to close the session. I really like the final aspect that the drawing ends up having once it has been scanned. From analog to digital.


The links to the reference images.


Well dear colleagues, this has been all for this post. Soon I will be sharing each one of these drawings finally colored and with a follow up of the process along with some comments. Thanks for your attention.