The young RHADIK (oc)

in OnChainArt3 years ago
Authored by @Luiz Khan

Young Rhadik full.png


Born from the planet Celare, located in a distant galaxy; he is belonging to the Reudhian species.
Rhadik is an exiled mercenary with great fighting skills.

In his youth he was recruited to become a Xerberos Guardian, being an excellent apprentice. He although he ends up breaking the rules of the Order, managing to defect / escape from it.

He was captured and left for dead, exiling himself to his adulthood.

His objective is to steal the Galactic Relics guarded by the Xerberos Order.


RHADIK (lore)

Nacido del planeta Celare, ubicado en una galaxia lejana; es perteneciente a la especie Reudhian.
Rhadik es un mercenario exiliado con grandes habilidades para la lucha.

En su juventud fue reclutado para convertirse en Guardián Xerbero uns, siendo un excelente aprendiz. Aunque termina rompiendo las reglas de la Orden, logrando desertar/escapar de la misma.

Fue capturado y dado por muerto, autoexiliándose hasta su adultez.

Su objetivo es el de robar las Reliquias galácticas custodiadas por la Orden Xerberos


very good my friend

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