Self-taught practices of anatomy, facial expressions, body poses, color and... nachos

in OnChainArt3 years ago (edited)

Halley's Comet is more likely to show up than I am around here, huh? Well, uh... I'd never say some cliche stuff like "That's me guys, hate me or love me!!!" but I do say... "isn't much but is honest work bro".

So! After that amazing intro let's all begin the post.

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Hello, beautiful community! Sofia's here.

Haven't you got in a time of your life that, as artists, you want to improve yourselves, be the difference, be the next promise artist of your generation, be remembered and studied for at least three centuries... but all you got is nachos in your mouth and mountains of unfinished drawings? That was and sometimes still is pretty much my situation and that's why I wanted a change. I wanted a change. I'm getting that change, little by little.
"So what are you doing?" "What is your secret?" "Why do you think I care about your life?" you may say. Well, my fellows, I am happy to say that the secret is... practice. That's it. Practice makes perfect.

Let me show you some of my most recent practices!

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This thoughtful man here is Sad Pablo. You guess why he is sad.


To be honest, I was bored when I started to do this: my only plan was to experience with my then new water - soluble wax crayons and see what the result would be, I mean, just do whatever but something cool. Plus, I remember I made this guy after some famous singer, but I can't remember who he was exactly. Please tell me if you recognize him down in the comments.


Here they are, together forever and ever.


I like to call her "Single lady". It is funny how the same paint has three different dates, imagine why.
Ironic laugh*


"Insane expressions" I enjoyed doing this. And it took me months to finish this.



I still think it lacks of details but I can't help loving it more every time I see it.

And at last but not least, here it is...!


Ta-da! :D
I think I've already posted this but... it fits today's theme so... aja


In color.

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  • This is all for today guys, see ya next week and stay healthy and safe.

  • These are my Instagram accounts where I post ALL my art, go around and see, I know you'll like it ;)
    @lou.rose__ &

  • I hope you have enjoyed this post and Bye!


!discovery 30

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