I was inspired by this illustration posted by the official Alien Stage youtube channel. This was an illustration to celebrate Sua's birthday.

Base colour, I wanted to do do similar vibe according to the illustration too, which is greenish.

Here was the reference picture I used to paint this

Here is the final!
Thank you for reading!
Hope you have a nice day! ❤️
Youtube channel: https://youtube.com/@Yunayunayuna99
Visit my Redbubble store: http://Yuna99.redbubble.com
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NFT Showroom: https://nftshowroom.com/yunayuna/gallery/
That's a real awesome view on the proces, with an extra ordinary image !INDEED
This is really nice, I miss creating distal paintings like this.
Whoa, this art style is so gorgeous, and she's so pretty. You did really well with her looks 😻😻
So talented! I'm freakin' jealous!