I couldn't attend the Hivechess, but here's a pretty strong tournament in Lichess

Due to external problems I could not attend the hivechess this Friday, I really wanted to continue adding points but I simply couldn't, today I decided to train a little more seeing that I am falling behind in the standings, and what better way to train than lichess tournaments

They are daily and they all always have strong players with whom you can test how strong you are, in blitz this is especially useful because I also have to increase the rating if I want to return to the highest league

In these tournaments you almost always start playing with someone at random, regardless of the rating, which can lead to situations where you are playing against someone much better for the rating they have, as is the case in many of these cases.

The game began with a very good opening on the part of both and then accentuated in a very close middlegame where the slightest positional errors can define the game.

Although a good part of these games had relatively easy opponents, I think what makes these games exciting is that you never know what type of opponents you are going to find, and here again I think I trusted myself and underestimated my opponent who knew how to respond with a check. mate that I had not seen

Another facet that I practiced in these games was time management, which is usually the most complicated in these games, because you have to prepare the plans and execute them quickly, of course those plans have to make sense if you don't want to end up crashing into the wall, here although I only had a couple of seconds that was enough for me to achieve victory

and we ended with a round game, very well played and that is how I would like to play most of the games, with clear plans on the board and not having the problems that I often experience when I get stuck in these positions, not far from I am a decent state of form so for the next edition of hivechess I will be prepared for some good games.