Hivechess S18 Round 7 Arena: how it was for me

When you play blitz in chess it is always challenging with a lot of fun, especially when you take part in hivechess tournaments organized by @stayoutoftherz, - because you play with people you usually know and game results will influence your personal reward after the end of the tournament!

This time I am completely satisfied with my position at the table:

I failed to win only twice: with @eniolw (I played white) and @lighteye .

The first player was much stronger than me, but still, I missed 2 opportunities, black made 2 blunders:

Here I made wrong move with the Ke5. Cxd5 was better.

And here:

black could win extra pawn if instead of cxd4 they played cxb4.

My blunder was here :

When I moved my queen to d3 it spoiled position, computer says Kb1 was much better.... After this, I lost the game.

Next, with @lighteye where I played black, I made 3 blunders:

The first one :

Attacking the white queen I didn't take care of my bishop and of course, lost it.

The second blunder was here:

Here d4 was much better!

And the last one:

I really wasn't drunk but somehow did such a stupid move with the Rook and @lighteye , of course, punished me for this with the check by the bishop and capturing the rook!

Ok, now I know my mistakes and hope will do better next Friday. Anyway, my performance for that round was 1975! And this is good :)