
I've seen a lot of reviews about this anime but haven't decided which one to add to my watchlist, but it looks like it's worth trying to watch, looking for the strongest one and I'm curious how they deal with it. Thanks for sharing :)

Although it is an Isekai, as a general rule, I see it more as a conglomerated story of many mini stories of a group of exceptional characters. And of course, by the very fact of being, supposedly, an Isekai, I saw it, yes. But, by the very fact of being a set of several stories in one, I see that this first season (because it seems that they will release more) focused a lot on introducing us to each character and telling us their history and show us its development.

Anyway, the animation is very good, the dark and serious tones it has too very entertaining. The battles are crazy, although it is true that there are a couple of somewhat slow moments. But overall, I liked this anime too.

Very good review.

I'm not really interested about the major antagonist but more on how they learn to grow up and trust people again but framed in a more believable pacing than a sudden 360 degree change of character. It's not going to be an anime of the year but it's hovering around being average to a few points better than average.

Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency

Thank you!