[ENG] [ESP] 🌹My review about Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust 🧛🏻

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Hey there, Hive!✨

Continuing with the monthly quest in today's post I will tell you about a movie from the 2001 that I honestly don't know why I didn't wachted before: Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust.

With some spoilers I will tell you my opinion of a classic that even today I would consider an anime gold.

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The beautiful maiden Charlotte is kidnapped by a bloodthirsty vampire named Meier Link. Her father and brother wish to rescue her however they can, but obviously it's not something two ordinary humans can do, so they turn to specialists in fighting vampires, the hunters. Many groups work on their own, but the best is the Markus Brothers, so they decide to hire them.

But they want to be as cautious as possible and use everything at their disposal, so they also hire D, a being called a dhampir half vampire, half human, who is willing to rescue the girl for a large sum of money. Although that is not his true motivation...




What better plot for dark fantasy than vampires? These creatures that own darkness always inspire fear but also curiosity, perhaps because they are similar to us in appearance, although with notable differences in their nature. In this story we see a version of vampires that is quite attached to the original legend, as well as incorporating other dark beings, such as D the dhampir, son of a human and a vampire.

We also see how these creatures are neither completely bad nor good, but rather are one more species that tries to survive as best they can. Although coexistence seems impossible, each one does what they can perhaps only seeking their own well-being. However, D knows that most succumb to their bloodthirsty nature, so he becomes a kind of antihero, of which he is the perfect representation. Without becoming emotionally attached to anyone and judging by a moral that goes beyond what is usually accepted, he tries to protect the defenseless while acquiring his own redemption. He is the center of the whole story.

Serious, mysterious and calculatingly cold, D is the perfect example of a creature fighting against its own nature. Like him, the rest of the mythological creatures also have that magical and mysterious aura that, being intriguing, would attract anyone. How can you blame Charlotte for falling in love with Meier? With his manners as well as his imposing presence, it is simply impossible not to be attracted.

If I could sum up this movie in one sentence, I would say that it is Japanese Twilight done right 😂. The romance is almost the same, but the characters have a personality as well as a more logical ending. Although I did not expect the romance, it is, and in fact there are also other types of emotions represented such as anger, friendship, brotherhood, gratitude, integrity and redemption. This makes the story something more deep.



All the characters serve a purpose, even if their appearance is brief. Furthermore, their personalities are striking, each having their own eccentricities that make them unique and interesting. They also live in a utopian world, with ancient and futuristic features converging to form a strangely extraordinary life.

On the other hand, the animation is simply captivating. The style is detailed, dark and thick-lined, with characters with very marked expressions to generate greater drama, which makes the dark fantasy exalted. For something old, it is very fluid, well-done and beautiful.



For me, it's a gem of Japanese animation, with an excellent story. For those who like strange and slightly dark things, this is the perfect movie.

I totally recommend you watch it, and if you've already seen it, let me know your opinion in the comments.


Thank you so much for reading my post! 🖤 Feel free to leave a comment


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📸Cover and banners edited by me on Canva using its copyright-free elements, this image 1 and Fontbolt 📸



¡Hola, Hive!✨

Continuando con la iniciativa del mes en el post de hoy les hablaré de una película del 2001 que sinceramente no sé porqué no había visto antes: Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust.

Con algunos spoilers les comentaré mi opinión de un clásico que incluso hoy yo consideraría una joya del anime.




La hermosa doncella Charlotte es secuestrada por un vampiro sanguinario llamado Meier Link. Su Padre y hermano desean rescatarla como sea posible, pero obviamente no es algo que dos humanos comunes puedan hacer, así que recurren a especialistas en luchar contra vampiros, los cazadores. Muchos grupos trabajan por su cuenta, pero el mejor es el de Los Hermanos Markus, así que deciden contratarlos.

Pero desean ser todo lo precavidos posibles y utilizar todo a su alcance, así que también contratan a D, un ser llamado dhampir mitad vampiro, mitad humano, que está dispuesto a rescatar a la chica por una gran suma de dinero. Aunque esa no sea su motivación verdadera...




¿Qué mejor trama para la fantasía oscura que los vampiros? Estas criaturas dueños de la oscuridad siempre inspiran ese temor pero también esa curiosidad, quizá porque son similares a nosotros en aspecto, aunque con notorias diferencias en su naturaleza. En esta historia vemos una versión de los vampiros bastante apegada a la leyenda original, así como incorporan otros seres sombríos, como D el dhampir, hijo de una humana y un vampiro.

También vemos cómo estás criaturas no son completamente malas ni buenas, si no que son una especie más que intenta sobrevivir como mejor puede. Aunque la coexistencia parece imposible, cada uno hace lo que puede quizá solo buscando su propio bienestar. Sin embargo, D sabe que la mayoría sucumbe ante su naturaleza sanguinaria por lo que se convierte en una suerte de antihéroe, del cual es ls perfecta representación. Sin vincularse mucho emocionalmente con nadie y juzgando por una moral que va más allá de lo usualmente aceptado, él intenta proteger a los indefensos adquiriendo a su vez una redención propia. Él es el centro de toda la historia.

Serio, misterioso y calculadoramente frío, D es el ejemplo perfecto de una criatura que lucha contra su propia naturaleza. Como él, el resto de criaturas mitológicas también tienen esa aura mágica y misteriosa que por ser intrigante atraería a cualquiera. ¿Cómo culpar a Charlotte por enamorarse de Meier? Con sus modales así como su presencia imponente es simplemente imposible no sentirse atraído.

Si pudiera resumir esta película en una frase, diría que es Crepúsculo japonés bien hecho 😂. El romance es casi el mismo, pero con personajes con personalidad además de un final más lógico. Aunque no me esperaba el romance lo es, y de hecho hay también otro tipo de emociones representadas como la ira, amistad, hermandad, gratitud, integridad y redención. Esto hace de la historia algo más profundo.



Todos los personajes cumplen un propósito, incluso si su aparición es breve. Además su personalidad es llamativa, teniendo cada uno sus propias excentricidades que lo hacen único e interesante. Aparte viven en un mundo utópico, con características antiguas y futuristas convergiendo para formar una vida extrañamente extraordinaria.

Por otro lado, la animación es simplemente cautivadora. El estilo es detallista, oscuro y de líneas gruesas, con personajes de expresiones muy marcadas para generar mayor dramatismo, lo que hace que la fantasía oscura sea enaltecida. Para ser algo vieja, es muy fluida, bien lograda así como hermosa.



Para mí es una joya de la animación japonesa, con una excelente historia que a quienes les gusten las cosas extrañas y ligeramente tenebrosas, esta es la película perfecta.

Te recomiendo totalmente verla y si ya la viste, déjame saber tu opinión en comentarios.


¡Muchas gracias por leer mi post! 🖤 Siéntete libre de dejar cualquier comentario


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📸Portada y banners editados por mí en Canva usando sus elementos libres de copyright, esta imagen 1 y Fontbolt 📸


So Japanese twilight, haha, interesting. There is something that is really striking and that is the animation and character design, these are robust and expressive, very typical of the anime of yesteryear, that kind of element is missed today.

Thanks for sharing!

It's basically what it is tbh 😂 but well written.

I definitely agree about how expressive the animation is, it makes it more dramatic and that's what I believe is the charm of the movie. It wouldn't be the same without that style and yes, sadly that's missing nowadays, I frankly don't know why.

Thank you for reading! 🖤

Las historias de vampiros siempre resultan interesantes y si tienen una buena historia y desarrollo mejor jaja, sin dudas se ve como un personaje muy misterioso pero a la ves fuerte D, y con el elemento de romance da un complemento interesante, un crepúsculo japonés que buena referencia jajaja

Vampire stories are always interesting and if they have a good story and development better haha, no doubt it looks like a very mysterious character but at the same time strong D, and with the element of romance gives an interesting addition, a Japanese twilight that good reference hahaha

Síii, estas criaturas usualmente atraen mucho por su misterioso, D es la perfecta representación de eso. Y lo de Crepúsculo es que en serio el romance es tal cual eso jajaja pero bien hecho.

Muchas gracias por leer 🖤

Yeees, these creatures are usually really attractive because of its mystery, D is the perfect representation of that. And the Twilight thing is because really, it's a romance just like that hahaha but well done.

Thank you very much for reading 🖤

I saw it a while ago and thought it was spectacular. Vampire stories are always appealing regardless of whether they are more focused on love, as in this case, or violence or the supernatural.

Hey by the way, if you like this “genre” there comes the second season of Castlevania, if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it. It's on Netflix!


You're totally right. Those mysterious creatures are always appealing, perhaps it's because they similar to us to some extend but not completely.

I've been recommended to watch Castlevania, I think now it's time to finally watch it.

Thanks for the recommendation and for stopping by! Cheers