
I see from the pictures that the animation would be more CGI and 3D type. The plot looks quite interesting. The use of flashbacks to give depth to the story is a resource that I love.
I'm going to stop by and watch it on Netflix, thanks for sharing the review.

Veo por las fotos que la animación sería más de tipo CGI y 3D. La trama se plantea bastante interesante. El uso de flashbacks para darle profundidad a la historia es un recurso que me encanta.
Voy a pasar a verla por Netflix, gracias por compartir la reseña.

100% recommended; the story is very good with excellent plot twists and the flipshback thing makes it not so linear.

The animation uses CGI and 3D as you point out, but it is very fluid especially in the combat scenes and those that take place in front of the sea, that makes it look very good images.ái_transita_un_camino_de_venganza_desde/
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I have always liked samurai stories, in fact I think I have seen almost all the anime that are set in those ancient times.

From what I see in the trailer, the animation is quite good and by the way it is available on Netflix, I will probably see it soon.

On the other hand, we want to suggest that you please try to visit and support other users more frequently, things like that are what make us a community.

See you!

It is a very good story, the influence of the Edo period and the customs that they practiced in that time is a further protagonist in this story; it is not only one of revenge, but also one of discovery; I hope you can see it soon.

As for visiting other users' content, I will be more attentive; I know how important it is for the community to share ideas with other hivers.

My daughter watched all the episodes of the first season and loved it, I only kept an eye out for the sex scenes in one episode to get through. From the rest despite the blood spilled in each episode we could watch it.

The plot is interesting, and how it develops too, everything is an enigma at the beginning but you can understand "everything" before the last chapter of the season, we'll see what happens in the second when it comes out.

The sex scenes are somewhat strange to perceive, I'm not saying they are bad, on the contrary because they were handled properly, what I'm trying to say is that this series with its animation style and some characters has that feeling of being a family production and it is not, as you say, scenes of sex and violence, but nothing exaggerated, nor so explicit.

I apologize for the lateness of my answer @cjlugo

Although I like "Samurai" genre, I am particularly not interested on this one, is it good?

It is very good, I recommend it 100%, believe me you will not regret it.

Blue eye samurai has always been good and has a very good popularity recently. I've seen it, I think, since late last year and I wanted to watch it but I wasn't able to download it on anime website.

I've watched the thriller and other reels and seen that it's so good that I wanted to watch it

I just want to ask, I there any other way to download this series apart from watching from Netflix ?

Yes, of course browsing you can find where to download the series, but I think the community forbids sharing such accounts other than official sites, at least so I have read in other communities.

I hope you can get where you can watch it because it is very good series.

Then let's connect on discord so that you can give me. Is that okay ?