Well-imagined sci-fi about authoritarian healthcare dystopia around year 2075 with automatic mandatory non-consensual medication, monitoring, and behavioural feedback suggestions by augmented reality implants, as well as real-time Social Aptitude Score.
W.H.O. assumed the role of the U.N. and have its own mercenaries force. Escape is possible through exile to god-forsaken places of the 3rd world, outside of WHO "admedistration" (ad-med-istration) territories where are "still people who don't relinquish their bodies to someone else's control", or through suicide, if you can pull it off under constant surveillance (and if you fail then you will be treated at the Emergency Ethics Center).
But medical tyranny is not complete while people still have consciousness which W.H.O. plans to inhibit with advanced research in neurobiology of behaviour...
A child refugee adopted to a family in Japan seen all types of torture and abuse yet she describes such medical dystopia as the worst: "it kills you with kindness", she says and she is the only one capable of seeing de-humanising brutality behind facade of seemingly caring tranquillity...
Three friends tried to rebel against the system by attempting suicide together, but failure changed their lives forever.
There are some intense dramatic moments in the show but the best part is entry-level philosophy and science of behavioural psychology exposing viewers to thoughts-provocative ideas.
Is it possible to distinguish human with consciousness from one without it? Is there free will without consciousness? Why consciousness rewards our decisions with dopamine to give pleasure associated with well-made decisions? What happens if consciousness is disabled? Pain is a feature of consciousness: engineer focused on complicated task may not notice a finger cut right away because pain-feedback temporary loses competition for attention. Is suicide contagion by Werther effect 1 possible, like in Goethe's novel?
A worthy show that inspires thinking and pleases eyes with good-enough colourful contrast visuals.
Some quotes:
"...expand authority of Lifeism among the international community."
Inadvertent Disturbing Imagery Display (IDID) Alert: Remain calm and please stand by.
Questions? Consult your local mental health coordinator.
~ Mental Health and Welfare ADMEDISTRATION
Martial law declared in Admedistration Eastern territories.
But what should we do when the enemy lies withing ourselves?