Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei 「四畳半神話大系 」The Tatami Galaxy (2010, 11 episodes)

in The Anime Realm5 days ago

Comedy about real and imaginary adventures of a young man (with a dream about raven-haired maiden) and his delinquent friend "who is a person without even a single point of praise" during their college years. Storytelling with a lot of fast-paced narration and internal dialogue. Unique graphics style that often feels like a slide show. No traditional openings and endings so the show feels like one continuous experience.
Strangely entertaining and good overall, although it is hard to call it pretty.


I put a lot of effort into enjoying wasting my college years.

He could eat three helpings of people's misfortune.

Despite being in the electrical engineering department, he hates both electricity and electronics, as well as engineering.

You cannot use the word "possibility" without limitations.

Stop wandering aimlessly, and grab that opportunity with all your heart!

Nothing else is as boring to tell as a story of successful love.

My soul would have surely stayed unblemished had I not met him.

Unfortunately I was an idiot beyond all redemption.

Your face is a face of extreme impatience... You are unsatisfied. I can feel that you are not blessed with a situation where you can make the most of your talents. I can sense your fiercely earnest talent. Anyway, I sense there is an opportunity you can't let pass by. This opportunity is always dangling in front of your eyes. You must grab this opportunity and act on it.

You're one incorrigible fool, you know.

There stood an ominous man, with an evil face of ill portent.

I was raised greatly admiring Miles Davis and Magic Johnson (has it already been so long?)

You ribald writing wretch!

Quit it with the pretentious monologues already!

Hanuki-san is a woman with no faults on an emotional or visual level.
