Graffiti - ALIEN

Hello. Today I did the word 'Alien' in graffiti. I love the @alienarthive community and all the great art that gets submitted there. One day I hope to be as talented as some of the creators on there. I really need to get back to practicing drawing characters etc, but have been enjoying creating graffiti recently.

alien 6.jpg

When I decided to do the word 'alien' I had the idea of dotting the i with a UFO. But, as I began I realised that I could use them beam of the UFO to replace the i and break up the word nicely with a alien graphic. I added a alien giving the peace sign into the UFO then got started fitting the rest of the word around this.
I was going to go with a fancier style, but none of what I tried fit with the UFO that I had already drawn. I went back to bubble letters and gave the overall shape of the word a u shape at the top. I decided to add crop circles throughout the letters, to fit in more with the alien theme.

Progress shots

alien 1.jpg

alien 2.jpg

alien 3.jpg

alien 4.jpg

alien 5.jpg

alien 6.jpg

I am doing name/usernames/words upon request. Just add a comment if you would like one done.


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Pretty cool desing bro.

Thanks, hoping to make a wall to start practicing spraying soon. Just practicing for now

Spray is way more fun bro!
Hope u get it, i have few stuffs to make out on walls but been hard to cost the paint.

If u like can check on my blog the last post with old jobs like this.

Yeah did some basic stuff when I was younger, I loved it. The cost of the paint will limit me too.