My feelings are oceans


Como están amigos? Hoy tenia ganas de un retrato con mucho movimiento y textura, pues quería pintar con la mano un poco mas suelta, aunque la idea principal era simplemente hacer un retrato con algunos efectos de brochazos alrededor con los mismos colores de la piel, al momento de casi terminar el dibujo explore algunos brochazos con tonos azules y se me ocurrió hacer una especie de mar con movimiento y muchas texturas rusticas, aunque fue algo improvisado me gustó muchísimo, además de que me transmite tantas cosas que en algún momento he llegado a sentir, espero que les guste.

How are you friends? Today I wanted to do a portrait with a lot of movement and texture, because I wanted to paint with my hand a little looser, although the main idea was simply to make a portrait with some effects of brush strokes around with the same colors of the skin, when I almost finished the drawing I explored some brush strokes with blue tones and it occurred to me to make a kind of sea with movement and many rustic textures, although it was something improvised I liked it a lot, besides that it transmits me so many things that at some point I have come to feel, I hope you like it.

Corazón banner (1).png


Como les mencioné tenia una idea diferente al comenzar este dibujo, asi que realice un boceto algo simple con unas líneas alrededor que vendrían siendo la piel con un efecto de oleo desvaneciéndose con el fondo, elegí los tonos a utilizar en la piel y comencé a depositarlos para crear la forma del rostro, en nuevas capas comencé a darle más definición a los rasgos, pero sin exagerar mucho pues quería una textura algo desaliñada.

As I mentioned I had a different idea when I started this drawing, so I made a simple sketch with some lines around that would be the skin with an oil effect fading with the background, I chose the tones to use in the skin and began to deposit them to create the shape of the face, in new layers I began to give more definition to the features but without exaggerating too much because I wanted a somewhat disheveled texture.

Pinte el cabello, pestañas y labios de un color casi negro, me gusto mucho ese detalle pues resalta su piel clara, luego comencé a dar algunos brochazos con un pincel de textura de óleo, pero aún no me convencía del todo como se veía, comencé a fusionar estos tonos con el fondo azul que había puesto y en ese momento se me ocurrió agregar mas tonos azules y poco a poco se fue creando esta especie de mar, me di cuenta después de un rato de haber pintado y comencé a darle mas forma, agregue finalmente algunas pequeñas iluminaciones y coloque mi firma, no hice ningún ajuste de color ni de otro tipo ya que me gustaba mucho como había quedado.

I painted the hair, eyelashes and lips in an almost black color, I really liked that detail because it highlights her light skin, then I started to give some brush strokes with an oil texture brush, but I was still not completely convinced how it looked, I began to merge these tones with the blue background I had put and at that moment it occurred to me to add more blue tones and little by little I was creating this kind of sea, I realized after a while of having painted and I began to give it more form, finally I added some small illuminations and I placed my signature, I didn't make any adjustment of color or of another type since I liked very much how it had been left.

Corazón banner (1).png


  • Photoshop CC 2019
  • XP-PEN deco 01 v2


  • Photoshop CC 2019
  • XP- PEN DECO 01 V2

Foundation: alexa-artx
Rarible : alexaart
KnownOrigin: alexaart
Terra Virtua: AlexaArt
Opensea: alexa-art
Makersplace: alexaartx
Ghostmarket : alexa
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Twitter: Alexa_Ys



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Fantastic! I think all of your portraits and art has an element of movement or fluid / liquid in it. Is this a conscious influence, or something that just keeps appearing?

To be honest, sometimes I think i don't have much movement or fluidity in my drawings, I really like those effects and I thought I was doing it wrong, but now your comment encourages me a bit haha, sometimes I do it consciously and other times unconsciously

Hermoso me encanta tu trabajo 💖🌸

Muchisimas gracias 🤗
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Amazing work

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Thank you so much! 🙂

Amé, me encanta!!

Gracias!! 💙💙

I really liked the portrait.