It's #twinpeaks day / some tribute art and GIFs

in Alien Art Hive2 months ago (edited)

Diane, it's February 24th, the day Laura Palmer was found dead in Twin Peaks. I am celebrating by rewatching the series and got inspired to play around with some art and GIFs

giphy (1)-moshed-02-24-14-02-39.gif

If you don't know Twin Peaks it's an incredibly bizarre show created by David Lynch that also had one of the most iconic and well timed comebacks.

The original 2 seasons aired 1990 - 1992. In the series Laura Palmer tells agent Dale Cooper she will "see him in 25 years". Season 3 was created and aired in 2017.


It is one of the strangest, creepy campy shows that was ever made IMO and well worth a watch. It also has a very memorable soundtrack created by Angelo Badalamenti. Here's a clip of him explaining how he and David Lynch composed the Laura Palmer theme song:

One of my favorite characters is the lovely Audrey Horne, here she is glitched:


some GIFs:



Another one of my fave characters is the Log Lady:



Maybe you will have a coffee and some cherry pie and watch it too?


One day I was tryoing to generate some creepy scenes with AI and I tried using in the style of David Lynch but it didn't work at all and just kept giving me pics of him LOL, so here is a GIF I made using one of the outputs:


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 2 months ago  

for some reason the art I chose as thumbnail is being over ridden by the YT video :(

I didn't watch the series because it wasn't finished and I didn't want to sit idly by. In the meantime, your gifs are awesome. That of the man who merges and the ghost woman

 2 months ago (edited) 

I'm pretty sure it's finished now but worth a watch for sure even if there ends up being more, there's a movie too called fire walk with me 😊

The gifs are excellent!! I love them.... I'll have to watch the series, it seems very good!😃

 2 months ago  

If you make it all the way through you're in for a wild ride, so many people reccomended it to me and I was a bit puzzled after the first episode 😂

We'll have to get to the end to see what happens. ....🤣

I celebrated eating cherry pie 😋🍒🍰

The art are really looking so beautiful I must confess. So adorable

was it: fire follow me or sth? I had twean peaks soundtrack on a tape . my tape recorder in workin order again haha.a propos witches and their blogs. oh, julia. u mutating btw. juust sayin.

one of my favorite series of all time!

Thank you for sharing it, I had not seen your publication before, my dear elf, but now I am very happy and I am going to watch this cult series that for me is a religion for the 52nd time.

The dwarf is unforgettable!

EDIT 1: The glitch effect on the gif is very cool!

 2 months ago  

wooo have fun, have been watching it in the background while I work, the music and atmosphere is so calming for some reason :)

This series has very special things, i share it with you, look:

  • Mark Frost and David Lynch split the writing of the dialogues
  • The European version has a different ending
  • Laura Palmer's story is inspired by Marilyn Monroe
  • Steven Spielberg was about to direct an episode
  • Diane Keaton directed an episode of the second season (The Slave and Masters episode, 2×15, a particularly strange one in which we see things like the recreation of an event from the Civil War in which Ben faints and believes that everything has been a dream).
  • Sheryl Lee had been hired only for the river scene
  • The actors memorized their lines backwards to film in the red room
  • References to film noir in the names of the characters
    Maddy (from Madeleine) shared a first name with one of the characters played by Kim Novak in Vertigo, and a last name with Scottie Ferguson, Jimmy Stewart's character. Other coincidences in character names are Walter Neff (Perdition), Dr. Lydecker (Laura) or Gordon Cole, a character played by Lynch, who borrowed the name from Twilight of the Gods, one of his favorite films.
  • The original theme song for Laura was composed in 20 minutes.

and there are many more curiosities that make this series even more interesting, I bet you didn't know most of these =).

Wish you enjoy it honey! =)

 2 months ago  

Very cool facts!

yep, maybe i will do some cult post about this fact some day, when i have some spare time my friend.

Being very busy these days.

I think I really love that art work combination of colours