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RE: Imaginarium pg21-26 : Comic graphic novel drawed with Ai image synthesis.

in Alien Art Hive2 years ago

So happy to see you continue your comics and this edition is best in terms of coherent images:). Thanks for the mention:). I am actually not able to give enough time to this. kaliyuga is doing great, she is working in now!


Hi lavista, thx for passing by. I saw the evolution on the twittersphere. Stablediffusion is an endless delightment and a big step in quality.

My trick to keep coherence with stablediffusion is keeping a prompt with very very little nuance against the same seed. Before doing htis i am also identifying seeds that gives best results against a prompt, then making derivation. Maybe i'll explain it visually later on.

I'll now also watch the scene but like you, it's time consuming. I'll keep my objective : having fun !


Nice to hear your process. That is the key, keeping the same seed and running minute variants...:)
Yes, best to have fun without any pressure!:)