"Quicksludge Sandhole"

in Alien Art Hivelast year (edited)

Yes, by rights, it's a very good one.
A poetic, glorious and expressive phrase, straight from the mind of @corvidae
The moment my retinas passed this delight while reading The Stilty-Legged Sand Stabber, I desired to know what a text-to-image model would make of the brilliance.

So I summoned the Stable Diffusion in a new tab, arduously, and fed the prompt into the ravenous software beast. Evil incantations were uttered, chanting offered, dancing jigged.

And then, fresh loaves of jpeg were done! Suddenly! Results:

You can click on any image to see a full size version

Feel free to use these images anywhere, any when, in any way.

Definitely a few places I'd visit


WHOA! I expect at any minute for something slimy and squealing to get born outta one of these quicksludge sandholes!! So glad my Sand-stabber could inspire.

Haha yes now that's a good point! Imagine what oddities would spring forth. What a mess. And the noise!

Oh cool, much gratitude from me to you. Had some fun with it :]

I imagine it might sound a bit like a volcanic eruption...

Yes quite possibly! Have you ever pulled the neck of a balloon tight and let the air out slowly? You know that elongated squeak sound... imagine then doing that with a balloon the size of a volcano. Maybe that's what it sounds like? 😂

LOL! That kind of sound could shatter any nearby comet.

Hahaha! This is getting out of hand 🤣

It's getting out of this world!