
I hope the exhibition went well. I am really liking these drawings. You obviously have trees on your mind.


Hi Steve. My exhibition went fine, I think. A good number of people and some sales too ;)

Hope your exhibition was great. Super cool sketches. Well done. Thuuumbs up up uuup. 👍🏼👌🏼💯🎶🎶🎶🎶


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Your sketching style reminds me of a more whimsical Albrecht Dürer. I think you would do very well if you endeavored to create a comic or graphic novel.

I'm always doing this as well @paolobeneforti I often say I'm "Illustrating a book that will never be" haha, but it's the making of them that is the joy. These are wonderful and really tell a story all on their own.

Thx Donna. Maybe one day I'll find a story to be told, sprung from the drawings I did ;)