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RE: Shower thoughts on blogging

in ArtBees3 years ago

I really didn't think I wrote it, but dang, I did...

I'm as surprised as you. I thought I was more likely to make such statements first like it's a norm. It's not far from the truth.

It makes you wonder if it's the complainers' first time on the internet, or social media, in general.

We're in a social bubble and anyone who is anybody can know everybody if they stay long enough and browse multiple communities, get involved and lurk. I haven't been exploring other languages but from the authors that use English as their main language, it's not hard to run into the same names frequently.

I knew self marketing was a steep climb but Hive and the old blockchain made the hobby worthwhile with some monetary incentives. I tried dipping into other social media with the current skill set, not a surprise and was within expectation, I get little to no notice from strangers.

May have to put in more work like being vested on the communities within those platforms but it's a long term project to even reach levels where an artstyle can be so signature enough that it markets for you.