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RE: Post for Dopamine Fuel

in ArtBees3 years ago

I enjoy reading your content but I wish I could see more of your art, too!

Nice usage of Marcus Aurelius. Great reference and when self reflecting it helps me remember sometimes that you don't need praise and good jobs (rewards) to know you did a good job. Reaction and direction (forward hopefully) is what really matters, I think.


I wish I could see more of your art, too!

I have a habit of self sabotage where I draw and think my drawings are crap then toss it and never be seen again on my computer's recycle bin. Other than an exercise to curve my ego it's also part of being aware that my tastes for art is beyond what quality I can produce. So I just end up using my second best card: writing.

Nice usage of Marcus Aurelius. Great reference and when self reflecting it helps me remember sometimes that you don't need praise and good jobs (rewards) to know you did a good job. Reaction and direction (forward hopefully) is what really matters, I think.

Thanks, the image came from a friend that shared it on their page. It was there when I needed the push so I kept it. People selling their efforts short when they are doing a fantastic job. Sometimes a good punch in the face to those for a wake up call (no malice intended but some people need more than a jolt to wake up from their self pity and doubt). I'd punch myself if I had a double most of the time. We all need that inner yes man when things get rough because no one else can understand a big chuck of us and our work than ourselves.