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RE: Quick comment concept - Win stuff for a comment

in Galenkp's Stuff8 months ago

I don't like to stay in the sun either, and whilst I love the beach I hate the sand. I know, bonkers right? Here in Australia the sun seems more powerful, something to do with the ozone layer I think, and ten minutes in the sun will burn the skin, even on a cloudy day although it takes a little longer. We're the skin cancer capital of the world.

Swimming...Yeah, I don't mind it...but we have sharks dude, loads of them...Like Great White's, Bull sharks and so on. I don't like the idea of being a shark biscuit. Lol.


I don't think anyone would like that.

Well be cordially invited you and your partner to my home and then we go to the beach, with my family.

There are no sharks here.

That sounds like a good plan! You and I can sit there, huddling in the shade of an umbrella complaining about the sun, the heat and the sand! Lol.

ha ha ha, sounds like a good plan.

I'll get my diary and we'll line up a day. :)