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RE: Quick comment concept - Win stuff for a comment

in Galenkp's Stuff8 months ago

That's a nice looking ice cream, chocolate and vanilla? Also, splendid nails! Lol.

I don't have ice cream for your birthday but I wrote a poem:

It's your birthday, and won't be again for a year
It wasn't your birthday since last year, but it is now
When it's your birthday again maybe you'll get ice cream once more

Ok, it's not perfect...I'm still working on it.


Thank you very much for this poem. I haven't received one in a long time (and I love them). Thank you for this deference. It's very nice to receive words from someone who took the time to think and make a gift like this.

Thanks for admiring the nails... and yes the ice cream was very good. Hopefully I won't have to wait a year for another one of these ice creams. 😂

I thought you'd like the poem. To be honest I'm still trying to perfect it, but I'm pretty sure it'll be one of the finest poems ever written when I'm done with it.

Well, what an honour to receive these first sketches of something that I know will be very good when it has been polished and finished. I feel lucky for that and thank you even more for insisting on continuing something and perfecting it to your style and taste. I have already taken a screenshot and saved this memorable moment. 😊

Lol...when I'm world famous (like Shakespeare) for my poetry that screenshot will be worth seven gazillion dollars.

And I will be happy for your fame, meanwhile I will enjoy owning a piece of art that will be worth more and more. With great pride I will treasure this, not for its monetary value, but for the significance it had at the time it was given to me. 😊
