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RE: Quick comment concept [QCC6] - Win stuff for a comment

in Galenkp's Stufflast year


7 months ago it was a very precious moment to visit this place, where my friend and I spent time breaking the fast on this beach. Lhoknga Beach, in Aceh, Indonesian.

Talking about the beach which is one of my favorite places, there is a special story stored in my memory about the beach. The sound of the waves crashing and the calm, this is what makes me love everything about the beach. I can spend a lot of time on the beach just contemplating and enjoying the gentle breeze on the shore. Even the night couldn't stop me from getting away from the gusts of wind for a moment.


When we go anywhere with our friends then we create such memories which always remain alive in our books of mind.

You're right, I've always loved all things beach. This is the one place to get rid of fatigue!

Ah! Indonesia, that's one country that's high up on my travel list. Absolutely love the beaches there.

Wow, you have to visit Indonesia. The beach is very beautiful here!

I definitely will, and hopefully soon. 🙏