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RE: Hive HardFork 25 Jump Starter Kit

Hopefully HF25 will increase the real human interaction.
Currently this platform is very disappointing in the social aspect. The average number of comments per post is 2-3, and most of those comments are bot comments.


Should be more worth voting on comments, so there's hope of more engagement. Let's make it social.

Voting on comments... Now that's a goal worth pursuing!

Nothing was stopping users before from voting on comments, other than maybe greed or sloth.

Those damn greedy sloths!!!


- Sloth voting for comments, Hive, 2021, zootopizied.

Well I've done it all along since my vote was worth something. Hive should be social, so I will encourage engagement.

Currently this platform is very disappointing in the social aspect.

Sounds like you are talking about the Earth. True, true. ;-)

While HF25 improves Hive a lot, including better incentives for interaction, there's nothing that code could change a lot when it comes to human behavior, in the end it's our - users - job.